Minors now welcome on the patio until 8pm every day!

Burnside Tasting Friday 11/28



When Burnside Brewing Co. opened its doors in 2010, the vision was concise. Focus on easy to drink beers that accompany and enhance the culinary experience. Brew master Jason McAdam is a creative trendsetter in brewing, bold enough to take risks and smart enough to leave a creative impression on your taste buds. He balances our desires for tradition such as the Oatmeal Pale, then throws in food inspired beers such as the Sweet Heat, an apricot wheat beer dry hopped with scotch bonnet peppers that is reminiscent of a Caribbean chutney.

Burnside has also extended this alchemist approach in their food using indigenous and handcrafted ingredients making anything possible. You will encounter tasty lineups such as the “Cohiba” duck confit cigar with a Stock Ale, homemade seasonal brewery sausages with our IPA, or a Brewery Burger with our signature Oatmeal Pale Ale.


Tasting at Uptown Market from 5pm-8pm on Friday, November 28th.