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Beer Review! Smog City Coffee Porter

Beer Review! Smog City Coffee Porter

This beer review comes from Rob, a jack of all trades here at Uptown. He's done everything from bartending, assisting in the brewery and delivering Uptown Brewing kegs to our customers. But first and foremost he is a beer lover! Here is his review of Smog City Coffee Porter.

Smog City Brewing, Torrance, CA

Coffe Porter 6.0% ABV

American Porter


Have You Tried Yowie Sour Ale by Wild Ride?

We have a beer review coming from our Beer-tender and craft beer enthusiast Brooklyn! 

The Yowie is a sour ale collaboration brew between Wild Ride Brewing and Widmer Brothers Brewing, surprisingly. Wild Ride has made their own name in the Oregon craft beer scene, and then they did a big collaboration project with one of the biggest craft breweries in Oregon craft beer history.

This beer pours in a golden glow in the bulbous snifter glass I like to drink out of at home. I was excited to try this beer at first because it was different kind of style from one of my favorite breweries in Oregon, as well as the interesting ingredients this beer had in store for me once I popped the top of the bottle. It has a perfect amount of sour in the taste without having your mouth turn in on itself inadvertently.

This beer was kettle-soured, with Lactobacillus added during the brew and allowed to sour in the tank. After the boil, rose hips were added which gives the beer a deeper level of complexity to the overall mouthfeel of the beer. And the last step of this beer was adding in Lychee fruit juice that created a sweetness and pop of tart.

The Yowie would be a great beer for those who haven’t had much exposure to sours and want to ease their way into this type of beer, or for those who want a refreshing pint!
— Brooklyn Di Raffaele

Who Wants an Old German?!

This weeks beer review of Old German Premium Lager by Pittsburgh Brewery comes to you from the infamous Brixton!

The story of this beer goes: "Little Herman" or the Old German himself, learned the recipe from his Oma and Opa (Grandma & Grandpa) brewing it at home. As demand grew he wanted to spread and share his original recipe with everyone for an affordable price. Hence the great pricing at a dollar a can!

As far as qualities go for this standard German lager:
-Appearance: Light golden yellow to straw yellow. With a light amount of head retention no more then a centimeter once the head settled.
-Aroma: A little musty, grainy scent to it. Very subtle.
-Mouthfeel: Mostly Clears off the palate in seconds, light bodied.
-Taste: Light Apple-like sweetness upfront, bready they the middle with a lingering metallic taste.

-Overall: (3.5 of 5) straight forward & affordable lager, I'd take any day over any macro-brew.

Thanks Brix!