Who Wants an Old German?!

This weeks beer review of Old German Premium Lager by Pittsburgh Brewery comes to you from the infamous Brixton!

The story of this beer goes: "Little Herman" or the Old German himself, learned the recipe from his Oma and Opa (Grandma & Grandpa) brewing it at home. As demand grew he wanted to spread and share his original recipe with everyone for an affordable price. Hence the great pricing at a dollar a can!

As far as qualities go for this standard German lager:
-Appearance: Light golden yellow to straw yellow. With a light amount of head retention no more then a centimeter once the head settled.
-Aroma: A little musty, grainy scent to it. Very subtle.
-Mouthfeel: Mostly Clears off the palate in seconds, light bodied.
-Taste: Light Apple-like sweetness upfront, bready they the middle with a lingering metallic taste.

-Overall: (3.5 of 5) straight forward & affordable lager, I'd take any day over any macro-brew.

Thanks Brix!