Brewery: Georgetown-Seattle, WA
ABV: 6.9% IBU: 60
Style: American IPA
Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Pours deep golden to dark copper in colour with gorgeous lacing that lasts for days.
Aroma: Fresh sliced orange citrus zest upfront followed by a punch to the olfactory senses full of pine forest and resin.
Taste: Tangerine, orange citrus tang balanced by a clean hop bitter dryness.
Mouth Feel: This baby is light bodied, slick and viscous from rolled oats. Its sparkling bubbles and a dry resin finish trick you into another quick sip after sip.
Overall: Extremely well-balanced expression of an IPA. Fresh, clean, piney and a hint of
tropical fruit.
It's no wonder this beer won Gold at the
2016 Great American Beer Festival,